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Each year we publish a lookbook to highlight our new pieces, our creation activities, and special connections with fellow gold lovers and collectors.
If you would like to receive your complimentary copy, please subscribe with your mailing address here.

This lookbook is a work of art. I learned so much more about gold than 'it's a heavy metal.' Indeed, I appreciate the beauty of what you're doing. Incredible."

Valorie S.

This is the jewelry we've all been waiting for."

Caroline Janssen

Pure gold."

Lisa M.

Beyond gorgeous. Even the paper quality is luxury."

Martin A.

I can attest, this jewelry is pure luxury, and every page of this lookbook shows me why."

Laura M.

If there is a spiritual side to gold, or to jewelry, I think you have accessed and revealed it in this lookbook. I love the diversity of models, especially the older women with no disguise of their age."

Kirk S.

"I think you do a marvelous job explaining why something is precious, beautiful, and solid, and worth the expense for reasons that have nothing to do with conspicuous consumption or a 'status symbol.' I love that your products are designed to produce an inner satisfaction."

James P.

"I'm in love. Read from cover to cover and learned some wonderful things about gold, gemstones, and your vision. Your creation is inspiring and I crave your jewelry. Even daydreamed about it. Thank you. I love it."

Anne S.
